Population 8 Billion by Population Media Center, Veronika Perkova
Population Media Center, Veronika Perkova
Population 8 Billion is a limited series podcast meant to help you better understand what a world of 8 billion people means for the planet, the environment, and the future of our diverse societies. Through interviews with scientists and activists, we delve into why the size and growth of human population is a subject that deserves your attention — and some of the forces that will drive population growth and declines in the not too distant future. We’ll explore how to make our current population more sustainable, why it is important to involve women in these conversations, and why the rights of other species and nature should be a part of the puzzle too. The podcast is hosted by Population Media Center and produced by Czech environmental journalist Veronika Perková.
Categories: Society & Culture
Listen to the last episode:
Even though scientists, doctors and experts constantly bombard us with well-meant advice about how we should live healthily and sustainably, this has surprisingly very little effect on our behavior. Until we see our friends, coworkers, or people we admire adopt new behaviors – being childfree, going vegan, or giving up a car – we will be reluctant to do any of these things for the fear that it would be socially unacceptable or just too difficult. Whether these role models are religious authorities who make it okay to use contraception, famous bodybuilders who are also vegan, or soap opera characters who support girls' education, they wield power over their audience and can make healthier and more sustainable social norms more acceptable.
Previous episodes
7 - Celebrities, Priests and Friends: Changing Ingrained Social Norms Is Possible with the Right Messenger Thu, 1 Dec 2022
6 - Overconsumption: Why Living on Less Is So Hard Thu, 10 Nov 2022
5 - Rights of Nature: A Millenia-Old Concept Revolutionizing Our Relationship with Nature Wed, 26 Oct 2022
4 - Women Leaders Working on Ending Population Growth Wed, 26 Oct 2022
3 - What Stands Behind the Success of Family Planning? Community and Couples Dialogue Wed, 26 Oct 2022
2 - Pronatalism: Outdated, Unfair, and Unsustainable in a World of 8 Billion Wed, 26 Oct 2022
1 - Population 8 Billion: The Dilemma of Sustainability Tue, 4 Oct 2022